Discs From A Box

I have a problem... I keep buying these DVD and Blu-ray blind bags from Bullmoose. This means I've ended up with a bunch of loose discs of movies and shows I've never watched.

The Box of Shame

So, what am I to do?

Surely I should watch them right? But what is my incentive? I'm naturally lazy so there needs to be something more at stake. I know! I'll watch them and review them on my website! I originally had the idea to do these as part of a Tik-Tok series where I'd open up a new blind bag and either pick the movie to watch from the lot or have the viewers decide which one I'd review. Maybe I'll circle back to that idea in the future but as you can clearly see I already have far too many discs to justify buying more bags. I mean I'm still going to, <$12 for 10 Blu-Ray's is hard to resist after all!

Once I've actually gotten a start on this project you'll see updates here. In the meantime sit tight!